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发布时间:2022-11-10 人气: 67


What kind of person is suitable for bodyguard recruitment in the bodyguard company?


The recruitment requirements of the bodyguard company are not high, as long as the height, weight, health and quality are up to the standard. Generally speaking, this company does not have strict requirements on the education of bodyguards. It does not require you to have a college degree or to be able to speak a foreign language. Of course, you will be better if you can speak a foreign language, so that you can serve more advanced international customers, and the salary will be higher. But it doesn't matter if you really can't meet such requirements. If it is a male, the height standard should be 178, and if it is a female, the height should be 165. Generally, companies do not recruit female guards, but this company will recruit female guards, which are mainly used for the domestic security protection services.


After the height is up to the standard, the requirements of the driver's license should be met. The requirements of the driver's license are a hardware requirement. Because current employers require bodyguards to be able to drive. If they can't drive, they will be eliminated by the society. Therefore, the driver's license has clear requirements, and each must be met. Even if they do not meet the requirements at that time, they must meet them later. After the driver's license meets the requirements, another important certificate must be issued. This certificate is a certificate of no criminal record, proving that you have never committed a crime before, because the industry requires high moral character. If there is a criminal record, it means there is a stain in your life. Such people will not be used by domestic bodyguards. After all, this industry is very special, and it needs to provide guard services to the rich.


I don't know if you have any feelings after reading today's article. It can be said that the requirements for personal bodyguard companies to recruit bodyguards are very high. They have certain requirements on physical and psychological quality, which is also to meet the requirements of employers and make them satisfied. If you want to know more about these companies, you can learn about them at Pan Xianjin Bodyguard Company.


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